Legal tip 441. Time share rights in Spain. Part III
Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 10:19 AM
The timeshare scheme can only be formed on a building, property or set of them which are architecturally individual or separated. All independent units included in it, with the exception of premises, should be subject to the scheme. The building needs to have, at least 10 units.
The same building can be subject at times to a different tourist operation, provided that the rights of timeshare accommodations fall on concrete and specific periods and units.
The annual use/enjoyment period can never be less than 7 continuous days. In every case, within the same scheme, shifts should all have the same length. The units will also be reserved for repairs, cleaning or other common purposes for a period of time which shall not be inferior to seven days for each unit subject to the regime.
Seasonal Leases of touristic properties , when they are of more than three of them for a period up to fifty years, and where rents are anticipated for some or the complete season, will be subject to the provisions of this Act, without prejudice of what is established in the Urban Rentals Act ( URA) . Such contracts must necessarily refer to an annual determined season and specific accommodation
Part one and two of this serie here
Grazalema with snow