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Legal tip 445. Time share rights in Spain. Part V
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 @ 8:51 AM

Together with desisiting from or cancelling the time share contract, possibilities that are subject to a shorter deadline, there is the possibility, initially sine die ( without deadline) to apply for the nullity of the contract.

In what cases?


- When timeshare rights are tranmistted disregarding the imperative Law which regulates them.

- When the transmission of time share rights are made before the scheme is actually constituted

- When there is a lack of veracity on information provided to the buyer. 

The action for the refund of amounts linked to the nullity has a 15 years deadline.

There is numerous precedents in Spanish Courts for the nullity and refund of money if you were sold under the term " propiedad" ( property)
Pots Spain by *17 at


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