Faith in Spain
Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 6:45 PM
After spending more than two months now just concentrated on contract cancellation...( there is still some of this to come), we are having our genuine and original, initial desires knocking to our doors every day...
knock, knock..... they want to stay
Oh yes, we want to help you to come, and to stay and even to die here in Spain.... (death is a natural part of life... how can we avoid it? deny it?)
We had a Board of Directors meeting today and started thinking about you, retired people wanting to come and stay in Spain, comfortably under the sun for the rest of your days... you kind of be like our preference.
We were also thinking on some of you who want to rise your children in the Spanish culture (which needs to get adapted to our european cousins coming home for a visit or for a long stay or for ever...)
We were also thinking of those of you who need the sun rays during the summer in order to cope with the cold and rainy UK winter.
We were thinking of you golfers...
And we concluded that we should ask you....
What do you need to regain your faith in Spain?
By Maria L. de Castro

Picture by Luis Lopez-Cortijo