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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 448. UK-Spain Probate cases III
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 @ 8:46 AM

 "Yo soy española, casada con un británico. No tenemos hijos pero nos preocupa irnos a vivir a España para no dejar al que enviude primero en mala situación económica. En el Reino Unido, la casa familiar pasa de un cónyuge al otro sin coste alguno. Nos dicen que en España, no. Si es cierto, es absurdo que el que enviuda tenga que volver a pagar por lo que ya pagó, o que tenga que vender su hogar para cumplir esos deberes impositivos."

The person above posted a comment in our last post on probate, she is asking what happens with marriage couples Spanish woman- UK man and that they live in the UK and are reluctant to move to Spain to avoid inheritance tax when one of them dies.

Lots of clarification needed here. Of course we would need more details for a most accurate appraisal such as:  assets in the UK? domicile in the UK? Anyhow let´s show some tips that may help:

Let´s suppose they move to Spain, take the Spanish residency and she dies first.

Her inheritance will be under the rule of nationality, so Spanish Law will apply. If she left a will which respects the legal portions of legal heirs ( ascendants as they have no children), this will be valid. Their heirs will be taxed worldwide by the Spanish taxman because of residency of the deceasor. There are important reductions to cohabitants in the IHT if the inherited good was the permanent home.

Let´s suppose now that they move to Spain, take the Spanish residency and he ( UK nationality) dies first:

His inheritance will be ruled by UK Law unless the only asset they had was a real estate in Spain. In this case his inheritance will be ruled by Spanish Law and will follow very similar features as his wife´s as described above. If he had assets in the Uk too, Uk Law will apply and therefore there will be no restrictions to limit his freedom to testate. In terms of taxations, his residency in Spain will always drive him to the Spanish taxman for his assets worldwide, with same clarification as above regarding the important reduction on IHT corresponding to the permanent home for cohabitants.

Hope this helps. I am happy to answer more questions if you need

Bolonia beach ( Tarifa, Cadiz, Spain) by Vicox01 at


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Sandra said:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 @ 4:30 PM

Commented only to say what a fantastically fabulous beach.

Maria said:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 @ 4:53 PM

Yes! It is Bolonia. Just 40 mins from home: a paradise!

Liz M said:
Thursday, February 10, 2011 @ 4:23 PM

Thanks for a very informative blog, Maria. Since you asked for more questions...
I am newly widowed. I am British, resident in Spain for 16 years, my husband was half Spanish & half British. He came to Spain as British then took out Spanish nationality. We made a will here, leaving everything to each other & the required proportion to our two children. It is being dealt with by the notario at the moment. My husband & I owned our home jointly & lived in it as our family home for 16 years. My question, if you can answer, is what might we expect in terms of taxation & fees?
Thanks so much.

Liz said:
Friday, February 11, 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Of course Liz, my pleasure. I am preparing today´s blog post answering your question.

Gavin Healy said:
Thursday, February 17, 2011 @ 1:29 PM


Thanks for responding to my query the other day, I have contacted you before we considered Dacion en Pago but for now we decided to continue paying

althought its very difficult as we have to spend approx 900 Euros per month.

We bought the property in 2007 and Bank of Valencia gave us a mortgage of 160,000 Euros we are told the property is now only worth 85,000 Euros so if we stop paying the mortgage there is likely to be a massive shortfall.

Do you have any suggestions on how we can get out of this situation we have already lost a large amount of money and we are getting no rental income from the property.

Is it likely courts will start syaing the Bank can only take back the
property and not pursue us for the balance.

I'm happy to pay for any service you can offer that can resolve this
issue without the Bank chasing us in England for our home etc.

On our current mortgage we are paying a fixed interest rate of 5.85% which we took out in Sept 2007 when rates were high, we have asked the Bank of Valencia if they can drop the rate but they said no, I was reading your legal blog 453 Financial Systems in Court is it likely we could take any action here and how would I establish if our mortage falls in to this category.

Please reply to:-

Many Thanks


Maria said:
Thursday, February 17, 2011 @ 1:37 PM

I am contacting you by email.
Best regards,

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