For those of you owning a business in Spain or the UK, here you have some QuickWisdom I receive them from friend Bobb Biehl from time to time:
I - " A business can tolerate a truly enormous number of errors in detail-- if the strategic direction is relevant and correct"
By Mr. Richard S. Sloma
II- “What do you really want to preserve, avoid, and achieve?”
Ask this question when considering/accepting any new position.
By Bobb Biehl
III- When you are feeling undisciplined (a very, very common feeling), lack of discipline is not your real problem…it is your lack of motivation.
For example, the self-discipline of waking up early and getting ready for school may be a problem for your children…except on Disneyland day…right?
When you are motivated, discipline is never the problem. Instead of “forcing yourself” to be more disciplined, focus on setting clear, inspiring priorities for the future. Increased self-discipline will be an automatic by-product.
By Bobb Biehl
IV- What would you do if you were 100% free of all fear?
By Bobb Biehl
V- By definition ... Growth can not occur without change!
By Bobb Biehl
VI- Focus on cause elimination, not symptom reduction.
What is the root cause of our current problem?
By Bobb Biehl
VII- If you feel misused, abused, or taken advantage of today - you may be seeing yourself as a victim.
When we are victimized, we can focus on the wrong another person has done to us. This path is negative and destructive. When we focus here, it will keep us focused on the past, and will eventually turn us into very bitter, negative, fearful people.
Or, we can look for the “life lessons” we learned as a result of the wrong someone has done. This path is positive and constructive. It lets the wound heal, and we can move beyond the past and into the future.
See yourself as God’s student, not life’s victim.
By Bobb Biehl
VIII- You are in a war to “CREATE EVIDENCE”
evidence that you are winning,
that your strategy is succeeding,
that you are building momentum.
Fighting against you in this war will be
fault-finders who are recording every misfire
and telling everyone who will listen.
You need evidence to help you gain the genuine support of your
Do not communicate hype.
Communicate actual results clearly and frequently!
By Christopher Zikakis
This is a picture of Grazalema, brother Ramon is getting married there this weekend, we are all going:

Picture taken from here
By Maria L. de Castro