Legal tip 465. Never without First Occupation Licence
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @ 10:45 AM
Out of a thread on the forums today:
Why is it illegal for a builder to charge for electricity´s supplies?
Obvious answer: because that should never have happened according to Law.
The same fact of living in a house without proper habitation license ( whatever the reason for this is: most likely lack of the correponding licenses) is illegal and can actually bring a fine by the administration to the habitant.
You may find this article interesting reading:
So charging for an illegal activity provoked by your own illegal acts is obviously illegal, even criminally illegal.
What is the best option then? Never to habitate a house without FOL AND make the corresponding claims against developer/bank involved.

Sindhura Hotel, Vejer, Cadiz, Costa de la Luz by TopRural at