Legal tip 482. 3 days-express limited liability for company incorporation in Spain
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 @ 9:21 AM
Limited- liability companies with share capital inferior to 3.100 € under any of the models published by the Justice department, will be under special deadlines:
Notary deed will be authorized by the Notary same day of receiving the Negative Denomination Certificate ( which certifies no other company has same name) issued by the Central Commercial Registry.
The Commercial Registrar will calify and register the company within 7 working hours after the telematic reception of the deed
Fees will be of 60 Euros for Notaries and 40 Euros for the Registrar.
For other companies which are not limite- liability, or being limited liabilitiy has a company as one of the partners or the share capital is over 30.000 €, the incorporation is a bit more complex than the one described above, but still more simplified than the old process.

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