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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 498. Back to rural life
Monday, April 11, 2011 @ 1:32 PM

Rural work sector grew in Spain last year, specially in Canarias, Aragón, Murcia, Cataluña and Andalucia. The Social Security System in Spain is also improving the conditions of rural workers.

The wisest and healthiest option: rural work/life with Internet access. Come to our countryside: it is rich and gorgeous!




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foxbat said:
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 @ 2:19 AM

Rural life with internet...what a great idea!
Problem is that Telefonica don't seem to think so.
Rural internet can be very difficult to obtain. We are fortunate where we live but in a lot of places Telefonica cannot or will not provide the service, leaving prospective clients with only Wifi via Orange, Vodafone or Movistar and this can be very expensive. Iberbanda wireless internet is expensive and capped and if you live in a valley you have little chance of receiving a signal. Satellite internet is incredibly expensive both in terms of installation and operating costs, download speeds are not great and the service is capped.
Rural life plus internet; yes a great idea but until the infrastructure is put in place to support it, its only a pipe dream for some.

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