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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 508. New great Court decission by a Totana ( Murcia) Judge
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 @ 3:14 PM

Passed on recent 5th of April, for one of our clients, the Judge says so important things for Consumers protection in Murcia:

1.- Someone who buys two properties in Spain with the aim of renting one of them can still be considered as Consumer according to the european definition of this.

2.- The clause by which the developer can keep all the amounts paid by the consumer if this breaches the contract  is abusive as it is disproportionate to damages effectively caused to the counterparty and also because the contract does not establishes an equivalent right for the buyer if the developer breached the contract. 

Good for Consumer-oriented judges in Murcia! May the grow and grow! ;)

Happy Easter to believers and Happy holidays for non believers! :) 

Arcos Parador by Jose_Gonzalvo at

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