Legal tip 521. We need many Keith Rules in Spain
Friday, May 6, 2011 @ 1:28 AM
I fully agree with all your concerns about buying property in Spain after all your problems ( I am quite aware of some of them), this claims of you and the fact that you chose Spain once makes me clear that you have a passion for our country. And we need people in love, passsionated about our country.
Please do not give the fight up: follow Keith Rule´s example: your determination and desire to change things will be contagious to nationals who will join your camapigns for a better future. We all are Europe
I was once influenced by Keith too and decided to make his company on discerning the extent of Bank´s liabilities when off plan advanced amounts were not protected. And I find myself now inmerse in a constant renovation of my proffession as a lawyer due to the challanges this is bringing along. Thanks Keith!
May the fights and disgust of you all be welcome for the benefit of many! We need a better country!
Maria L. de Castro

Sanlucar de Barrameda, Horse races by wwwmanuelgarcia at