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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 563. Gratuity and solidarity of Spanish lawyers
Tuesday, July 12, 2011 @ 4:45 PM

 I received a great lesson from a colleague today:

She is a great Family Lawyer in Town and also a neighbour of mine. One of our commun neighbours, Sandra, is having very difficult financial and personal times due to a complicated divorce.

I do not deal with divorces and found our neighbour was in Lola´s hands much better than in my own ones so we called Lola for a consultation.

She has been kind and generous enough to  spend a couple of her proffessional hours this morning advising, encouraging and protecting this commun neighbour. For free of course. As matter of good  vicinity. 

At the end of the consultation, we all felt to strenghtened  and  commented on how rich we spaniards are in terms of human and social care.

There are hundreds of good lawyers as Lola is.

Cheers for her!


Chiclana, Costa de la Luz, by Vigabriel at

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