Legal tip 564. Rental of a room: legals and a business oportunity
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 @ 1:41 PM
Rentals of rooms are regulated by the General Rules of the Civil Code, which means that they are not under the prescriptions of the Urban or Rural Rental Acts. Therefore the autonomy or freedom of the parties´wills are by force of provision 1255 of the Civil Code, Law between them.
1255 of the Civil Code establishes that parties can mutually agree any pact, clause or condition they find as convenient with the only limts to Law, Morals and Public Order
Generally, aspects regulated by room rental contracts are:
- Price
- Furnitures of the room included
- Bathroom/kitchen use
- General Rules of Living together
- Cancellation rights
- Deposits
This type of contracts have been traditionally very commun for students and are now more and more IN to the touristic sector too. I see it as a modern way of promoting nice, human, family oriented tourism, also well priced and culturally inserted.
Internet keeps opening gates everyday. Someone willing to start a company for management of these exchanges?