Legal tip 581. Timeshare rights in Spain: a safe option now. Part 1
Monday, September 5, 2011 @ 10:03 AM
Timeshare rights were regulated in Spain in 1998. Regulation was for future but also for past schemes.
We are presenting a number of posts on this topic for consumers´information.
Timeshare right confer on its owner the power to enjoy, in an exclusive way and for an specific period every year, a dwelling with its corresponding furniture and complementary services. These enjoyment rights do not entail rights to change the house or its furniture.
Timeshare rights require an specific and determined building where all units are under the scheme. Every scheme needs to have at least 10 units. Same building can be used for timeshare and other touristic use, provided timeshare units and periods are clearly differentiated.
Minimun timeframe for every timeshare period is of 7 days.
Timeshare rights can never be linked to ownership rights, not to be named multipropiedad or any other name containing the word “ ownership” ( propiedad)
Conil by Pablo G. Pando at