Legal tip 590. Timeshare rights in Spain: a safe option. Part 4
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 @ 12:41 PM
The inventory and, where applicable, the contract general conditions not included in the contract and the registered articles of the statutes shall be inseparable annexed signed by the parties.
The contract and the information provided in this Act shall be in the language or one of the languages of the European Union chosen by the purchaser: that of his nationality or his country of residency. It will also be written in Castilian or in any other official language of place where contract is signed. Also, the transferor shall deliver to the purchaser the translation of the contract to one of the languages of the Member State of the European Union in which the property is located, provided it is one of the official EU languages.
Foreign buyers who are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union or residents thereof may require the contract and other documents to be delivered to them translated into the language of a Member State of the Union of their choice.
Owners, developers or any natural or legal person who is professionally involved in the transfer of timeshare rights shall keep available to consumer organizations included in the first additional provision of this Act and, where appropriate, the tourism authorities, full translation of documents to be delivered to any purchaser and clauses that are considered as general conditions.
Without prejudice to the responsibilities that may apply in case of any discrepancy between the different versions, will apply the most favorable to the acquirer.

"Conil de la Frontera", Spain, by carbide, at