Legal tip 631. Creative law
Friday, November 4, 2011 @ 8:10 PM
That is the best of being a Lawyer: you can create solutions out of Law, Customs and General Principles of Law. You can change structures, systems... by argumenting their illegal nature or their illegal effects.
In Spain, we are not that linked to precedent and Case Law as Commun Law countries and therefore room for creativity, under rigurous legal reasoning is bigger.
One of the most important subjects of our Law Degree curriculum in Spain is Natural Law or Philosophy of Law , which both help to create your own legal critic spirit, your confrontational point.....
That is what counts. In that sense I learn a lot from my clients, layman people, non legal proffessionals who bring to me a continued and fresh sense of Justice beyond the limits of existing Case Law.
The power of human spirit.... oh yeah!


"Iglesia Cortes de la Frontera", Malaga, Spain, by BY-YOUR, at