Legal tip 638. Important checks when buying an old house
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 @ 9:04 AM
Toegether with technical checks on structure and price, three main set of legal checks are essential:
- - Check on ownership, easements, charges, encumbrances in the Land Registry
- - Check on surface ( squared meters) in the Catastro to verify capacity is coincident with that of the Land Registry.This Catastro information on surface is generally more updated than the Land Registry one. If both information are not identical you can request the Land Registry to rectify information. There are several different ways, legally, to do so.
- - Check on licenses for interior an façade reformations and possible historical reservations on the Planning and Culture department of the Local Council

"Una calle en cuesta, en Grazalema", Cádiz, Spain, by elarequi61, at