From this EOS thread today:
Our Justin Aldridge said:
When the lights start going out it really does bring home how bad things have become here in Andalucia.
I live on the Cosa del Sol and the entire strectch of the A7 coast road is now pitch black at night. From Manilva all the way to Fuengirola, the lights have literally gone out.
At first I thought it was because of some technical issue but it's not. It's about money and who pays the bills. Since 1993 the town halls have been paying for the road lighting but now they are saying that it's not their responsibility, they say it's the junta that should be paying.
So all the road lights are now permanently off at night.
If you've driven the coast road before you'll know that in many parts it's quite unsafe. I fear on dark nights and heavy rain we are going to have some serious accidents now. It is just pitch black.
I can't believe it has come to this.
Then, talking to some people in the bar this morning over breakfast, they were telling me that people are queuing outside the unemployment office from 4am. The queues outside were so long that they are even disrupting the traffic.
They were also talking about the huge numbers of families now with zero income as they are no longer entitled to any benefits (they stop after 2 years). How scary.
None of the Christmas lights have yet gone up in the area either. Normally they are up by now, especially as it is "puente" next week.
I'm not known for my pessimism but I am truly worried for the country and its people.
I'm not sure what the new government can do to solve this "crisis" but I for one would not like to be in Rajoy's shoes.
I think 2012 is going to be an even tougher year for Spain than this year. More job losses, more businesses going under, more poverty. It has to get worse before it can start to get better.
Yes, it all seems very bleak but it's also very real. I fear it's more than just the A7 lights that are going to go out in the coming months.
Drat, I wish I could be more positive!
And I do think, we can be positive, thanks to him in some part:
EOS is already a fantastic tool to create jobs and wealth for Andalucia and Spain.
If we get to convince Banks on getting closer to their claimers, put properties at better prices after the acknoweldging of liabilities before those whose money was not protected during the boom. They will find hundreds of people wanting to buy in Spain again, on the coastal places which are becoming ghost-like.
I am positive this will create a huge number of jobs and better position of Local treasures. This will turn lights on again
Let´s keep moving ahead... talk to Keith Rule!

"Zahara de la sierra", Cadiz, Spain, by Blue moon in her eyes, at

"Belen Canario", Islas Canarias, Spain, by El coleccionista de instantes, at