Legal tip 658. 10 million cases in Spanish Courts
Monday, December 19, 2011 @ 10:26 AM
Justice can not release the jam of 10 million cases
The 2011 Report by the Observatory of Justice activity reveals the need for action to prevent a collapse. Judges, lawyers and Court agents provide ideas to improve the model.
The workload in the Spanish courts, which already reaches 10 million cases and places Spain as the most litigious country in Europe, "is currently unaffordable”.
Ideas such as the sieve of matters for prosecution, the legal professional liability when qualifying a claim as sustainable, empowering non-judicial resolution of conflicts... are beind discussed.
Lawyers are seeking a pact of State for Justice to hear the views of al stakeholders in the justice system, including engineers, business managers, law schools ...
Concentration of cases in larger centers, digitalization of judicial offices and files, new law on judicial demarcation....
I would add: stricter limits to Courts for processing and finalising cases.

Decoracion Navideña en el Paseo de Rios", Vigo, Spain, by Contando Estrelas, at