Legal tip 691. Murcia Appeal Court is clear on publicity as part of the contract
Monday, January 30, 2012 @ 2:12 PM
On recent Court decission dated december the 9th, 2011.
It cannot be otherwise as the contrary would be against Law, Supreme Court Case Law and European Law, a recent excellent Court decission by the Murcia Tribunal clearly states that:
"When publicity contains specific and objective data in relation to essential and relevant characteristics of the contract ( STS 26 March 1993 and 28 January 2000) and the date of delivery of property to buyers, according to recent Court decision of the Supreme Court dated 12th of July, this is “ important in an unquestionably way for contract integration as that publicity has been relevant to the making decision process".
This Murcia Sentence is in accordance to Supreme Court decissions of 18th and 20th of March 2002, 15th of June 2000 and 23rd of May of 2003.

"Algodonales, pueblo aceitero", Cadiz, Spain, by maesejose, at