Legal tip 715. It is SAFE to buy in Spain, believe me it is
Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 1:12 PM
A small conversation from the blog today:
Reg said:
24 February 2012 @ 16:24
"In terms of legalities: Buying an already built property is a completely safe option in Spain. "
This is total nonsense. SOHA and AUAN already did a test on three houses, all with PERFECT paperwork. It transpired that ALL THREE had pending demolition orders! Demolition orders and perfect paperwork and online records.
Spain is a joke.
Reg said:
27 February 2012 @ 11:16
No comment, Maria?
María said:
27 February 2012 @ 11:43
I do agree that the real filter by Notaries and Registrars on existence of licenses did not exist till 2008, when the new Land Act established concrete obligations for these in order to not authorising public contracts of ownership transfers and not to register them previous verification of existence of the corresponding habitation licenses.
So, yes, buying already properties in Spain registered in the Land Registry with the help of a good specialist lawyer is a safe option! :)
Kindest regards,

"Atardecer en Chiclana 9", Beach "La Barrosa", Chiclana, Cádiz, Spain, by sergi.gisbert, at