Legal tip 745. Banks properties for Banks liabilities (2)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 @ 3:17 PM
Some clients of us are seeking this scheme. Let´s see if banks are wise enough and can see further than their own egocentric calculations.
A thorough global debate and reform of economic and finantial systems where person and its communal dimension is in the center and where the acknowledgement and fulfilling of social dimension and meaning of Financers and banks is remarked and made obligatory by Law.
This is what we need: orientation. Philosophers?
These type of literature to be understood by politicians and governors and also by the in a medium-citizen, lay people.
Ps.- Below, a post on this written in June 2010
Legal tip 300. Banks properties for Banks liabilities
15 June 2010 @ 11:24
What about this?
As Banks and Saving Banks are, at the same time:
- The bigger property owners
- The bigger defendants on property claims ( out of liabilities expressed in provision 1.2 of Law 57/68)
Why not an exchange? Property lowered by the non guaranteed amounts.
Banks acknowledging liabilities, all happy, economy running..

Playa de los alemanes, Tarifa, Cádiz by josenatoniocubero at