Legal post 763. Commun sense
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 @ 12:55 PM
I am just copying the wise post from a client today. What can you add...?
Hi Maria
Many thanks for your update below.
In the whole grand scheme of things it would be very sensible for the Developers/Banks to work together and go back to people like us, where there is still a possibility of striking a deal. However and like I have said below, they would have to be extremely sensible and realistic in what they would want for us to complete on say a 2 Bed 2 Bath apartment on Mar Menor 2 in our case and with the amount of money that we have already paid them.
Over the last couple of years I have watched the property market very closely in Span and especially the Polaris/Mar Menor 2 site. The very obvious thing that stands out is the fact that they are still not selling many properties at all, and this is after huge price reductions from the original selling prices. Surely somewhere along the Developers who are still around and the Banks will have to do something with these properties, as looking at the current sales activity it would take them years to clear the backlog of properties, and every year that the Banks still have a property on their books then it is costing them lots of money. On Mar Menor 2 the Banks now own most of the properties, and when I have tried to negotiate with Polaris in the past they have had very little to offer. It needs the Banks and Polaris to work on this together and on the back of the work that people you like are doing.
The whole thing would be a catalyst to getting things moving in Spain, because if we could do a deal then I would have to furnish the apartment, use good Lawyers like you, pay tax to the Government, Pay Community Fees, Pay for Water/Electricity and more importantly we would be holidaying in Spain and we would look to rent out to our Friends and Family who would all contribute to the local economy.
It all sounds too easy Maria….Look forward to seeing if you get anything back from Polaris etc…
Many Thanks

"Castellar, Cadiz", Castellar, Cadiz, Spain, by quinocho, at