Legal post 773. Asking the Bank
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 @ 6:55 PM
Bank which has repossessed the development where a client of us placed a deposit on. He has not formally been called to complete by developer and have not received either formal cancellation of contract. He is in that position we can call as " limbo"
Would the Bank will recognise its former deposit and offer the property to them at today´s prices. It would be wise enough to attract people, we have been considering this for a long time now. Still have not seen any example of this.
Certainly if actions against Bank, out of liabilities of law 57/68 expanded...
What foreign buyers are these Banks trying to attract?

"Playas de Sanlucar, desmbocadura del Guadalqivir", Sanlucar de Barrameda, Cádiz, Spain, by RAMONRAMON at