Legal tip 776. Spain is already out of the Euro
Thursday, May 31, 2012 @ 12:36 PM
SPAIN IS ALREADY OUT OF THE EURO if we understand Spain as its real makers: spanish medium citizens. Maybe that is what big macroeconomy thinkers and calculators generally forget.
I fully agree with all contained in this interesting article by London based analyst Matthew Lynn mentioning six reasons why Spain should exit the euro. It is full with commun sense and sense of reality against many other economic theories we all are now very tired about. I would add maybe that being at the very North of Aftrica is also an addition to the future of the Spanish economy.
To believe in ourselves. That´s the real reform needed in Spain. Sometimes I believe more in my country and its possibilities after a conversation with any of you, foreign people in love with Spain, who are able to discover and enjoy our benefits much more than many spanish citizens. This is a great contribution. Thanks from deep in my heart.
What do you think of this all?

"Olvera. Spain - 15", Olvera, Cadiz, Spain, by Drumsara, at