Legal tip 777. Spain and family solidarity
Saturday, June 2, 2012 @ 12:37 PM
A Quick letter I wrote today to an american friend:
Dear xxxxx:
Spain was a great country and since the Euro came, as a belgium ecomonist Paul De Grauwe was able to predict in 1998, things are worse and worse. I think this all has much to go with globalization and concentration of power and money in hands of very few people. Internet opened possibilities for things to happen faster and less controlled at every level.
A new way to understand economy and finances, based on the communal character of the human being, vs the old and failed individualistic understanding, is the only way out.
My country is coping with this huge levels of unemployment and financial crisis due to family solidarity mainly. This might be something to write about in the future.
You are always welcome to come and stay for a while here,

"Pano Tarifa - Valdevaqueros", Tarifa, Cadiz, Spain, by Nacho Romero, at