Wally Olins: "Mark Spain is passion and dedication"
Wally Olins is a symbol of branding and corporate image. He is currently the chairman of Saffron Branding Consultant
As a nation brand expert, he says that Spain has a strong value abroad. "It has never been so important as now. Since the sixteenth century, Spain has been in decline until 1975, when it still sounded like Spanish bullfighting, flamenco and Franco. But since then, Spain has achieved amazing results and it is important for the European Union for the first time in hundreds of years. Now every country has problems, but seen in perspective, the problem is very small compared with the achievements. "
To him Spain is "passion and dedication. It has a very strong personality and we, spaniards, need to trust it".
"It is important for Spain to better exploit its qualities: exports, sports, architecture, cuisine ... Tourism is very important, but not the only offer of Spain".
"Big crisis produce great people and great changes and achievements"
"Now authenticity is essential. And Spain is now obliged to call it. The authenticity of the Spanish. Spain is not only Bankia, it is much more"
We agree with him, and think, as described in this post from 2008 that brand words for Spain are: hospitality, people oriented, joy of sharing.

"La vista desde el Restaurante el Tesoro, Tarifa", Tarifa, Cádiz, South of Spain; by Chodaboy, at flickr.com