I have been inspired today by this great interview to Sagardoy, one of the best Employment lawyers in the country. In fact, when walking to the Law Firm this morning, I was meditating kind of the same idea. We need to rediscover the richness of the old spanish values: community spirit, comradeship, helpfulness, commitment, truthfulness. It is important we understand them deeply as a joy and not as an obligation or a burden and that everyone chooses freely to conduct his life with them by his side. It is necessary that we are clear on the strength and the stability that they bring for us and for future generations.
Now, some great answers by Sagardoy in an interview published today by Expansion:
“We have to recreate Spain”
“We must accept a review of our ways of living and leave the collective madness of these years”.
“We believed that things had no limit and that terrible mistake has been a catastrophe”.
“People know now that things will never be like before. This has made a deep impression in the minds of people, and is very positive, because we need a change of habits and attitudes”.
“With the current political discredit, it is time for civil society. I am an advocate for civil society to move and have energy. I get very frustrated when the State is repeatedly called to fix things”.
“For young people with a University degree and no job I would say that with effort and enthusiasm they can get everything, although they now are in such adverse circumstances. Do not fall into despair at not finding a job. They must keep fighting and in the worst case, start their own business”.
"I could not live without friends. I do not understand life without friendship”
“I admire simple working people that have no history”.
“I always had an inboard engine to go beyond. The "non plus ultra", as a benchmark. Every day I try to get up with empathy, enthusiasm and energy. One gets old when illusions are replaced by cries”

"Tarifa and the wind....", Tarifa, Cádiz, South of Spain, by digitalnoise, at flickr.com