Legal tip 796. What to do with my illegal house?
Thursday, June 28, 2012 @ 12:47 PM
It might be that you can wait and are actually waiting or even acting for the obtention of the First Occupation License.
But it might also be that you cannot keep the mortgage repayments due to lose of job or incomes or want to sell it and cannot do it due to the lack of the said license.
Best solution in these cases is to act for cancellation of the whole business ( original private contract and subsequent public deed) due to lack of the said license. You can also deffend here the cancellation of the linked mortgage contract as the Supreme Court and numerous Appeal Courts have already deffended the nature of linked contracts of these two businesses.
This will also add force to a dation you might have started

"Rincones de Tarifa, 2", Tarifa, Cadiz, South of Spain, by elarequi61, at