Legal tip 810. 15th of August. Feast.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 @ 3:12 PM
Tomorrow is a National Feast day in Spain and my husband´s birthday. You can leave Happy birthdays at his blog. He will be so happy and encouraged with that. Did not have an easy life!
My husband´s blog:
The reason of the celebration, as Spain being a historically Catholic country is the Asunción of Mary to Heaven, but all of you, believers and not believers are welcome to join our joy.
For all of you living in my wonderful country: have a great feast day!
"Virgin of La Palma"; she is the Patron Saint of Algeciras (Cadiz), South of Spain.

"Plaza Alta and the Church of La Palma", Algeciras, Cadiz, South of Spain, by tellmewhat2, at