Legal tip 838. Coastal Law
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 @ 8:34 AM
Coastal Law passed recently seeks to end the "legal uncertainty" and improve coastal protection.
Several main points:
1. The new law will allow the government to act against Local Council´s licenses for works contrary to the law. Clause is known as "antialgarrobicos" by famous seaside hotel in Almeria icon of coast blight.
2. Extends concessions to another 75 years to all those properties already built, whether homes, restaurants and hotels, among others, that are located on public domain land shoreline.
3. Authorization for chiringuitos will be of 4 years, whereas before it was only one.
4.The more than 1,700 industrial occupations (chemical, mining, textiles, energy ...) must pass an environmental report for their concession rights to be extended.
5.The Act includes a new distinction between urban beaches and natural beaches and increases the protection of the latter.
6.Compulsory registration in the Land Registry of properties on the coast to avoid the possibility of purchasing a property in good faith on the coast and find out later that it is affected by the t boundary of the public domain.
An interesting link:

"Las vacas playeras en Bolonia, Tarifa", Tarifa, Cadiz, Southern Spain, by Chodaboy, at