Legal tip 846. Clients care at Law Firms
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 @ 10:06 AM
From the beginning of CostaLuz´s life, clients care has been at the center of all our management systems and work. We do care for you and want to take stress out of yourself the much we can.
Our difficulties:
Judicial processes are always very unpredictable in terms of time. Something that, in theory, should take 15 days can take 6 months or more.
We do not charge for the update effort and sometimes, specially if cases get too long due to different circunstances ( procedural difficulties,Court speed, appeal...) the cost of the emails sending and updates gets much higher and this clearly makes us go the extra mille with clients.
The positive things:
As we do not want to charge for the updates, specially under the current economic climate, we decided to rationalize and make efforts possible for us, mainly by selecting the information that we consider as necessary and relevant.
We are, in my humble opinion and within the natural mistakes and failures of every company, doing a reasonably good job which is constantly under improvement and revision.

"Panoramicas y Calles de Vejer de la Frontera", Cádiz, Southern Spain, by Manuel Acebedo: El Viajero de la Janda Litoral, at