Legal tip 908. Keith Rule joins the team at CostaLuz Lawyers
Thursday, March 7, 2013 @ 2:02 PM
I have been a witness of the faculties and determination of this UK person since September 2008 when he first emailed us wanting a case against the Bank which received his deposit and those of other members of the Finca Parcs Action Group (then 8, today more than 70). Not being a law professional but being indeed a man with a remarkable sense of justice he saw clearly from the beginning that the main responsible people were those of the financial institution involved in the development.
From then, he encouraged us to go and study the case at a deeper level and we started our job which has consisted in continuous study of legal doctrine and Case Law also with the help of Law Professors. Keith has been studying and researching the issue of Banks liabilities according to LEY 57/1968 since 2008 and his efforts to highlight this issue on behalf of all people affected on off-plan developments have included among other things his voluntary work with the Finca Parcs Action Group, Bank Guarantees in Spain Petition & Website, Meetings with the Spanish Government and a meeting with the UK Government.
Today there are more than 30 Court decisions from various Spanish Provincial Courts which make clear the liabilities of Banks in respect of amounts advanced in off plan projects.
Keith has been during the last years for us all at Costa Luz and De Castro Law Firms an incredible example of truth, honesty, leadership and determination. I do think that the First Instance Judge in the Finca Parcs case and even the Banks lawyer was able to see the clear claim for justice he was fighting, just as we saw it in 2008.
The Costa Luz and De Castro Law Firms have been filing cases against developers since 2006 and are now specialists in actions against Banks according to their liabilities established by LEY 57/1968.
We have been asking Keith for sometime to come and work for us and to put his knowledge and experience of fighting against the banks directly to use in helping others in a similar situation.
We are pleased to announce that after much persuasion Keith has now agreed to join our team on a part-time basis. Keith will be based in the UK and will be assisting us with client care and helping to construct cases for our other clients against banks on other developments.
As a result Costa Luz Lawyers will now have a small UK office to which clients can, by prior appointment, arrange meetings with Keith to discuss their case. There will also be a UK client care telephone number and email address.
Further details will be announced to our clients in due course.
Kind regards
María Luisa de Castro and the Costa Luz/ De Castro Team

"Ceuta, Africa, from a viewpoint near Tarifa (Cádiz, South of Spain)".This is a tribute to Keith Rule, by Luis López-Cortijo