Legal tip 14. Right of foreigners to free movement in Spain
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 @ 6:58 AM
Well.. it is not easy to do translations of legal texts... but I keep trying for your information.
Provision 5. Right to freedom of movement
1.- Foreigners in Spain have , according to Title II of this Act, the right to free movement within the spanish territory and to choose their residency with no further limitations than those generally stablished by Treaties and Laws or those taken by the judicial authorities as a protective measure in a criminal or an extradition procedure which may have the foreigner as an accused party, a victim or a witness, or as a consequence of a final judicial decision.
2. Nevertheless, specific limitative measures can be taken in such situations as: state of exception or siege according to the Constitution or due to public safety reasons and in an exceptional, proportionate, justifiable and individual basis by order of the Home secretary and according to the legal guarantees of the penalty system.These llimitative measures, which can not last for more than the indispensable and proportionate time according to the cirnumnstances that justify them, can consist of periodic appearance before the relevamt authority or orders to walk away from borders or specific population centers.
What about this?
By Maria L. de Castro