Legal tip 926. Spanish judges stopping repossessions
Monday, April 8, 2013 @ 12:28 PM
The way financial beast will be tamed is very much in hands of independent and wise judges. Another sign of the prevalence of people and people´s dignity over unfocused or over-dimensioned financial power.
Three recent Court decissions in Spain have recently stopped repossesssions basing on the European Court Decission on Civil Repossession procedures and Consumers Law.
First Instance Court Number 13 in Madrid
First Instance Court Number 3 in Arrecife, Lanzarote, Las Palmas, Canary Islands
and another one in Mallorca
So good for stopping overpower of financial institutions: step by step, little by little.
With lots of joy and fun!

"Requijada (Segovia)", Segovia, North of Madrid, Spain, by ferlomu, at