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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 928. Congratulations Keith!
Thursday, April 11, 2013 @ 4:10 PM

Congratulations Keith and the rest of the group!. Congratulations to CostaLuz and De Castro. Congratulations to everyone fighting for balance and justice within the financial system.

We sincerely hope this will help a bit to bring back  confidence in our judicial system and our economy!

We love the way Judges are telling Banks how to treat people. It is so edifying!



Fuegos Benidorm 06

"Fuegos Benidorm 06", Benidorm, Alicante, East of Spain, by edomingo, at

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Gill Malouf said:
Monday, April 22, 2013 @ 1:26 PM

Hello Maria,
Congratulations to your team and Keiths group...I need to ask the following though!
If a bank doesn't do as the court asks can this be viwed by the court as contempt of court? I have been told by a UK based solicitor that rather than merely saying the bank has not followed the directions given in the court decision it is better to state that they have committed contempt of court (it's seen as a graver position). I am praying that my court decision is followed through soon.

Maria said:
Monday, April 22, 2013 @ 1:52 PM

Of course. Banks are under Law and if they do not meet Court Decissions amicably, there will be an obligatory enforcement on them.



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