Legal tip 930. Swiss group Genint to build a university in Marbella
Monday, April 15, 2013 @ 7:50 PM
The Swiss investment group Genint is to build a private university in Marbella with an investment of €7.4 million. It will be the second private university in Andalusia after the Loyola Centre in Seville, which was opened by Abengoa.
The first phase of the project will consist in the refurbishment of the building in which the new centre is to be set up, and the opening is scheduled for next autumn.
According to the project managers, the University will have an initial offer of four degrees:
International Communication and Multimedia;
International Relations;
International Businesses; and
Advertising and Public Relations.
However, the aim is to offer up to 15 degrees by the 2014-2015 academic year.
The city of Marbella currently has more than 3000 university students and more than 1800 baccalaureate students.

"IMG_0217", Marbella, Málaga, South-east of Spain, by _DODO, at