Monday, January 19, 2015 @ 1:01 PM
Well, here we are just into the new year and with a new functinality update.
The first update is the "following" functionality. It have been improved and extended to blog posts, so not only can you follow thread comments and blog post comments, you can also follow bloggers/blogs.
For threads the only difference is graphic, it now looks like this and can be found at the top of the thread. Simply select ON/OFF
For Blogs you will find the same functionality at the end of the blog post where you can follow the blog or the comments on a particular post. So there is now no excuse for missing a post from your favourite bloggers!
Secondly and well overdue is the "PREVIEW" functionality for bloggers. Now you can preview your blog post before publishing live. This means you can get it looking perfect before anyone else sees it! At the end of the "new post" screen you will now see that there is only a preview button. When you click on this it will take you to yout preview post. If you are happy, you can publish directly or schedule from that point. If not, select edit and continue editing.
Lastly you have control over all your subscriptions via your Account Panel in "my account". There you will see "my subscriptions" enabling you to see and deactivate all your "follows" in one place:
If you have any questions or need some help just leave a message or pm the moderators.