SORRY if you received the email about this twice. We messed up somewhere!!
Well, we've nearly reached the end of 2011 and before we start stuffing grapes and cava down our throats to welcome in the New Year, we thought we'd share with you some statistics about the site during 2011.
It's been another year of growth for Eye on Spain and this is how it translates into numbers:

5,214 new people joined the site in 2011.
This brings the total number of registered users up to 54,259.

2,743,141 people visited the website in 2011.
They managed to make their way through a total of 9,139,165 pages.
56% of visitors came from the UK, 20% from Spain, 5% from USA, 4% from Ireland and the remaining 15% from many other parts of the world.

2,888 new threads were started on the Spain discussions forums in 2011.
This yielded a total of 17,784 posts being made to the forum.

4,238 new threads were added to the community forums in 2011.
This yielded a total of 15,627 posts being made in the community forums overall.
As well as typing away, community forum users also uploaded a total of 1,152 photos.

237 new blogs were started on the site in 2011.
And EOS bloggers wrote a total of 1,797 new blog posts.
Whilst EOS blog readers posted a total of 2,625 comments across the various blog posts.

The rentals listings on the site generated a total of 6,752 enquiries for their owners in 2011.
Whilst the property for sale listings generated a total of 2,621 enquiries.
A clear sign of the current way the market is today!

Here's one for the geeks out there 
2011 saw a big jump in people accessing the website via mobile devices and tablets, such as the iPad.
7% of visitors are now coming to the site via a mobile device.
An astonishing 318% more people were using mobile devices at the end of the year compared to the beginning.
The trend looks set to continue in 2012.