Fallas is back with a vengeance - A Mascletà like never before
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 @ 12:15 PM

This year celebrates the 75th anniversary of the "Central Fallera", the main organising body of the fallas in Valencia. And to mark the occasion Amstel lager sponsored the largest aerial mascletá ever topping 3500kg of gun powder, 500kg more than the previous record. For those of you who have experienced a mascleta in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Valencia before will have an idea of how ridiculously big this mascleta was, when I say it was 15 times bigger than the average mascletá held in the centre of Valencia!
Obviously it drew in the crowds and thousands of people went to see it. It had to be held in the old river bed as the force and size of the event was so much that it would have been extremely dangerous to do in the town square, as would normally be done.
There are few words to describe such a crazy event so it is best just to see it for yourself.... don't miss the last 30 seconds!