Street Lighting Winners Fallas 2018
Monday, March 12, 2018 @ 10:58 AM
Valencia loves doing things to the extreme, especially in Fallas and street lighting is no different. One particular area in Valencia has taken street lighting to another level where they compete year in and year out for the most spectacular lighting show. If you haven’t seen this before it is quite something.
The first time I saw these streets decorated I was literally blown away and it is something that I always try and make an effort to see each year. The neighbourhood of Ruzafa is literally another world in Fallas. The millions of light bulbs, now LEDs, used to dress the street is breath-taking and I have no idea how the locals manage to get any sleep if they don’t have shutters, the sheer amount of light given off is blinding and puts most Christmas decorations to shame!
Just the other day was the official “lighting” of the streets and the crowds united to see the favourites, Calle Cuba-Litorato Azorin and Calle Sueca-Litorato Azorin, two eternal rivals in this competition. However, the winner was announced and this year there was a surprise winner: Calle Cuba-Puerto Rico. The second and third prize was taken by the all-time favourite respectively. I must admit I haven't seen the light show which won the first prize yet and from the photos, it doesn't seem as impressive as the other contenders but my opinion will have to wait until I get to see it in person....I'll update this post later.
First prize

Lights Falla Cuba-Puerto-Rico 2018
Second Prize
Lights Falla Cuba-Literato 2018.
Third Prize
Lights Falla Sueca-Literato Azorín 2018
Fourth Prize
Lights Falla Malvarrosa-Ponz-Cavite 2018
Daytime fireworks display - daily for a month!
Mascletà Sunday 11 Marzo 2018