Girona - Murcia - Malaga
Friday, September 4, 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Yes I know this is taking things out of sequence but it is summer, we are busy and I will forget what to write if I don’t do it now. Having only blogged day 1 of the collection trip so far here I am telling you about another subsequent delivery, never mind I am sure you will forgive me!! So we have had quite a store of boxes since our trip back to the UK at the end of July and the time has finally come to deliver the lot down to Murcia and Malaga. Saturday night we loaded the van with all the goods to go and planned an early night – Gone midnight we hit the sack which blew the 6:00am start and we finally hit the road at around 09:30am (predictable or what?) Another thing we were doing on this trip was testing mobile internet so that hopefully we could update Twitter, Facebook and check email whilst actually on the road and then hopefully this would mean that on a future trip we can test the webcam view through the windscreen. If you are a follower of us on Twitter or Facebook you will know that the internet worked perfectly well so we will be trying the webcam on the next trip. We hit the AP-7 at Lloret de Mar and headed south beyond Valencia before heading inland slightly to our first delivery in Roldan in Murcia.

Everything was going smoothly except for a niggling problem with starting the van in the almost 40 degree heat – Once the engine was cut there was no way on earth it would start again unless left to cool for about 30 minutes. I think a full service is needed, after all it has lived out here for four years now and although plenty of work has been carried out, basic checking for things that may be about to happen has been overlooked and whilst it has never let us down we could do more to make sure that it never does. After unloading at Roldan we carried on south another couple of hours before finally stopping for food at a service station and then making up the bed in the back of the van and opening a bottle of red wine (and drinking a little of course) and reading for a while we crashed out around 11pm for a nights shuteye. 07:00am and we were up again having breakfast and then back on the road to complete the southbound leg of the journey, arriving in Alameda near Antequera at 10:30 to unload, have a cup of tea (thank you Peter) and then turn straight around and head back north to Murcia where we had a hotel waiting for us.

Arriving back up in Murcia at about 3:00pm we checked into the hotel, had showers & got changed ready to go out and view a property we have had an eye on for a while, but more of that later if it all happens. Monday & Tuesday nights were spent in the hotel with a nice relaxing day in between only ruined by shopping in Nueva Condomina which is totally WiFi friendly so if only I had my laptop with me. Wednesday morning was a little more shopping and then we hit the road about 13:30 to head back up to Girona, arriving home at 21:30 giving us time to wind down and relax before going to bed. I must say that on this trip we saw more accidents than usual, a head on incident on the A-7 on the way south at Valencia where a car had obviously spun and been hit by another held us up which was where we first noticed the problem with starting in the heat, then at almost the same point but on the northbound carriageway on the way back home we had a car greasy side up in the central reservation causing delays. Later in the evening at Barcelona there was a car at the side of the road with 4 fire engines, an ambulance and loads of police so it must actually have been more than it looked but I could not actually figure out the problem. This coming weekend we are back down to Murcia again and then next week another local delivery of items collected on the previous UK trip. And you never know, maybe more about that property we went to view!!