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The idea of this blog started when I realized that I often come across newsworthy items in my ongoing research on natural health that others might find interesting. Please feel free to comment!

Women Who Quit Smoking Before 40 Cut Risk of Tobacco-Related Death By 90%
Saturday, October 27, 2012 @ 10:55 PM


 A study of over 1 million women  conducted by The Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals,  has shown that stopping smoking before age 40 cuts the risk of tobacco-related death by 90%. That figure increases to 97% if women quit before age 30.

Smoking causes heart disease, lung disease, cancer, stroke and death.

We have also heard of the dangers of second-hand smoke.

According to the World Health Organization,


  • In 2004, children accounted for 31% of the deaths attributable to second-hand smoke.
  • In adults, second-hand smoke causes serious cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including coronary heart disease and lung cancer. In infants, it causes sudden death. In pregnant women, it causes low birth weight.

The following is taken from the University of Minnesota’s Division of Periodontology website:

With each puff of smoke, the body is exposed to over 4000 chemicals, over 50 of which are known to cause cancer.

A few of the chemicals in cigarette smoke are listed below.

Compound Released


Additional Information
about Compound



Insecticide/addictive drug



Main ingredient for industrial plastics and adhesives



A main constituent of coal tar



A pesticide that has been banned from use

Carbon Monoxide


Bonds with oxygen in blood cells to cause suffocation
Car exhaust fumes



Used for stripping wax from floors, removing varnish
Often a toilet bowl cleaner

Hydrogen Cyanide


A fumigation poison banned from international use



Main ingredient in fingernail polish remover



Used as rocket fuel



Embalming fluid



Cigarette lighter fluid



Moth balls



Gasoline additive






Found in batteries



Industrial solvent



Natural base for tire rubber


  •   If you would like the opportunity to quit smoking for life;
  •   If you have tried medications, chewing gum, patches and other methods without success and you would like to find out about a method with a proven track record that has a 70+ % success rate, you can reach me on, or fill out the contact form on my website 




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