Finding a decent olive oil in a supermarket in Spain isn’t an easy task these days so I thought I would write an article on the top 5 olive oils available on the shelves at the moment. Wanting this article to be useful to the majority of readers I decided to use Carrefour as the chosen supermarket for the review as there is probably one Carrefour close to everyone in Spain being the only supermarket that spans the national territory and the only supermarket apart from the Corte Ingles that really carries decent olive oils. Nonetheless I will comment on other supermarkets, not much though, because there isn’t much to comment on. This review is based on my personal opinion and that of my “olive oil” colleagues after a long discussion the other day when we were deciding who were the best Spanish producers year in year out. The ones that always maintain a high standard and produce great oils every Harvest.
The supermarkets I use on a regular basis are Consum, Mercadona and Carrefour. I can’t talk about any others as I haven’t really used them on a regular basis nor bought oils from them, however I only buy olive oil from Carrefour, as it is the only supermarket that has a real selection of “real” olive oils. I am yet to try a “real” extra virgin from Consum. Every olive oil I have bought over the last year has been an absolute disaster and I have just given up until they start to bring in decent oils. At most I have used it for frying (and that even made me cringe) but I am incapable of using them raw, on salads or drizzling them over meat or fish. So for “raw” oils I will always go to Carrefour. Mercadona is much the same story although better than Consum. But neither offers great olive oils that will really enhance your dishes or give you satisfaction just dipping bread into it.
This review will save you a lot of time and money as you can go straight to the best five olive oils without messing around and enjoy a range of different flavours and intensities. Obviously I haven’t tried every olive oil in Carrefour but I have tried quite a few but I am not a fan of white branded olive oils so I don’t tend to buy them ever as I am yet to have a pleasant experience with one and you never know where it really came from.
So, lets not beat around the bush and let's get on with the oils. I have made a selection of the best 5 oils, which have been available at Carrefour over the last year at least, so they are regular tenants and you shouldn’t have any trouble finding them. There is no point rating them against each other as some are different varieties and different categories altogether, so I have organised them by flavour intensity so it will be easier to choose the right one for you. Personally I prefer robust herbaceous olive oils but others may prefer delicate oils, which are not bitter or peppery in the slightest. The following table will guide you through the oils and the category column displays the flavour intensity and strength of the oil as well as giving an idea of the colour even though that has no relevance to the flavour. I have included photos and the shelf price to help you identify them in the supermarket as well. They are all fantastic olive oils and you can’t go wrong with any of them. They may seem expensive compared to your average supermarket oil but when you taste them you will immediately understand why they cost what they cost. On average 8 to 10 kg of olives are needed to make 1 litre of these olive oils so they are not cheap to make and the quality controls are extensive so when you compare them to the price of a good wine which is drunk in 30 minutes, I would say they are excellent value.
Good luck and get tasting!! (All of them are award winning Olive Oils)
Other popular articles by Ian Mackay ©
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