My Wine Recommendation Nº 12 - For under €10
Thursday, May 9, 2019 @ 12:26 PM
Today I would like to share with you Spain's most sold white wine and it isn't the cheapest either! However, as far as white wines go it is very good value for money, coming in at €3,75. The wine I am talking about is Barbadillo Castillo de San Diego. Barbadillo is one of the great wine producers of Andalucia and is located in Cadiz, San Lucar de Barrameda. It does, however, have vineyards in other areas of Spain but the grapes used for this wine are entirely from their home region. I say home region, as this family-owned wine cellar is over 200 years old and is an institution in Andalucia, especially for its Manzanilla wine "Solear" which is the most consumed wine during the Feria de Abril in Sevilla. This is mainly because it is the main ingredient of their favourite cocktail "Rebujito". Barbadillo also boasts Spain's most prized wine cellar named "La Catedral" - the cathedral, which if you ever get the opportunity to visit is a must. But if you don't here is a link to a virtual tour.

Anyway, back to "Castillo San Diego". This wine is an icon for the winery and a benchmark wine at a national level. It is floral, fruity, harmonious and light, making it an ideal wine for the summer months and especially good with fish, seafood and rice dishes.
According to the winery’s history books, the name of “Vino Blanco del Castillo” (white wine from the castle) dates back to 1883, however it wasn’t until 1975 that the wine was bottled commercially by vintage. It soon became Andalusia´s top white wine and is currently considered to be one of the most important and best-selling white wines in Spain. Having won many international prizes and being recognised by an entire, you can't go wrong. It is available in Mercadona and most other supermarkets.

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