Beef Cuts in Spain
Tuesday, November 26, 2019 @ 1:09 PM
If you have ever felt completely lost at the meat counter in Spain, not knowing which cut is which and what you are actually buying, you are not alone. This is something that has bugged me for some time and I never really got round to working out the equivalents, firstly because some of the cuts are just different to the UK and secondly it was just really confusing. So I decided it was time to figure it out once and for all as I keep watching international cooking videos which keep making references to cut os meat in English and then I have the problem of sourcing them in Spain.
So, here goes, I have compiled a list of what I think are the most common cuts available in a Spanish supermarket and then a couple of diagrams to locate those less common cuts. Hope it helps! Please comment if you think I have made a mistake!

Common Cuts:
Solomillo: Fillet mignon – Tenderloin
Lomo Bajo: Sirloin - Striploin
Lomo alto: Prime rib
Chuletón: Rib roast/large end
Chuleta de lomo bajo con solomillo: T-Bone steak
Cadera: Rump
Babilla: Tail of Rump/Thick flank
Contra: Silverside
Redondo: Eye of Round
Aguja: Chuck
Pez: Chuck tender
Aleta: Bavette
Pecho: Brisket
Carrillada: Cheek
Costillar: Rib
Entraña: Thin Skirt
Falda: Flank
Pescuezo: Neck
Rabo: Oxtail/tail
Morcillo: Shank
Tapa: Topside
Categories by age:
·TERNERA (Heifer calves): male and female calves, younger than 12 months
·AÑOJO (Yearlings): calves between 12 and 24 months of age
·VACUNO MAYOR (Adult bovine): males and females older than 24 months
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