A Royal Paella
Thursday, November 25, 2021 @ 8:39 PM
A small, immaculate white hut stands in front of Pinedo beach. Shrubs, pots and the occasional hedge surround the charming building with more than 200 years of history where today some of the best paellas in the world are served. More than 30 years ago, Rafael Soler turned this 'barraca' into a restaurant that he called, quite rightly, the 'Genuina'.

The diners of the Genuina can relive the typical homemade meals born from the Pinedo vegetable gardens and orchards, where all varieties of rice dishes played a very important role. Valencian recipes are an emblem of this restaurant which strives to maintain local tradition as much as possible and naturally offers local wines to wash down their delicacies.

The restaurant is so authentic that it is considered a true emblem of the area. That is why it is not surprising that King Felipe VI visited the premises after the Jaume I Awards, which he attended as a guest of honour last Friday, November 19. After the ceremony, the monarch went to the Genuina with eight companions who ordered Valencian Paella and Paella Senyoret - a seafood paella, but this one is served with all the seafood already peeled - fit for a King!
This really is a fantastic restaurant and if you ever get the chance to visit Valencia you should pop along and enjoy some lunch!
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