The Perfect Fried Egg - The Spanish Way
Friday, February 25, 2022 @ 3:21 PM
While there are a number of ways to fry an egg, from sunny-side-up to over-easy, one method, in particular, is in my opinion, the very best way to go about it.
It’s the way it's done in Spain, and it’s something you should try immediately if you haven't already!
Spanish fried eggs - huevos fritos, are as decadent as fried eggs come. It’s an egg fried very quickly in very, very hot olive oil. Instead of using just a little bit of olive oil or just a non-stick pan, they’re fried in a very generous amount of olive oil (extra virgin please) — and they’re basted in the oil while they cook. The result is a fried egg with a seriously crispy yet delicate white that crunches, with lacy edges and a perfectly just-set yolk that practically melts in your mouth. Perfection. It turns egg frying into an art form.

To prepare this Spanish delight, pour about 1/4-inch (deep) of olive oil into a small, but deep frying pan. Heat it over medium-high heat until it’s extremely hot about 185ºC use a thermometer if you can. Crack 1 egg into a small saucer or small bowl. When the oil is hot, carefully slip the egg in and reduce the heat to medium. Then spoon some of the oil over the egg as it cooks, either with a spoon or a slotted spoon. This will help to speed up the cooking of the egg white on the upper side without having to wait and overcook the yolk as a result. Remove the egg with a slotted spoon after no more than 1 1/2 minutes (when the white puffs up and becomes crispy and golden-brown around the edges, and when the yolk is still wobbly). Be very careful that the slotted spoon doesn't stick to the egg and ruin everything! To avoid this soak the spoon in the hot oil before adding the egg this will even out the temperature between the spoon and the egg. When ready, serve immediately, sprinkle with a bit of salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. And of course, always serve with a side of bread. It is unthinkable to serve eggs without bread in Spain. It just simply isn’t done.

Here is a video I found that demonstrates it very well!
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