To be absolutely honest, with the heat in full blast I only feel like eating cold soups and salads, which can quickly get quite monotonous. So, I thought I might share a local "salad" from the Mancha. A salad, which is also enjoyed in Andalucia and no doubt has many variations the further south you go. It is called Pipirrana. Now, I have no idea why but I do know that it was able to keep a man alive for almost 50 years. My father in law lived off it literally every day. In fact, I don't really have memories of him ever eating anything else. It was his staple for as long as I knew him. He passed away many years ago but the tradition carries on in our household from time to time. One thing is for sure, it is a balanced meal.
Ingredients to make Pipirrana 2-3 servings:
Very ripe tomatoes - best plum tomatoes 750 g
Green pepper - 1/2
Boiled eggs - 3 large or 4 medium
Garlic - 1 small clove without the germ/root
Coarse salt - 1/2 teaspoon
Picual or Hojiblanca extra virgin olive oil - 50 ml (if you don't have either, any EVOO will do)
Tuna in olive oil - 1 medium-sized can
White wine Vinegar - 2 tsp - but best add to taste - little by little. I like it quite strong so I tend to add more.

1. Peel the tomatoes by scalding them in boiling water (all you need to do is cut a cross into each end of the tomato and then leave them in boiling water for a couple of minutes). Then we cut them into small cubes/chunks taking care to collect all the juice released. This is one of the secrets to a great Pipirrana. So the easiest thing is to actually cut them up in the actual bowl you are going to use for mixing all the ingredients.
2. In a mortar, we put the garlic clove, the coarse salt - you can use fine salt, but in the mortar, the coarse salt helps the blending -, a small handful of the chopped green pepper and the yolks from the 3 or 4 eggs. We grind and mash everything together and then finally add the oil, which we will add little by little until it is emulsified. You can do this in a food processor too if necessary.

3. We add the rest of the chopped pepper and the chopped egg whites to the tomatoes and pour over the dressing. Add the vinegar and slowly blend in to taste. You may want to add more salt at this point if necessary.
4. Add the drained tuna to the bowl and mix well, cover with a plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for at least 4 hours before serving. The best thing is to prepare it at lunchtime and let it rest until dinner, or do it overnight.

Naturally, this recipe is open to manipulation so you can add to it whatever tickles your fancy. When you are ready to serve, just get some fresh crusty bread and start eating and soaking up that wonderfully rich dressing.
I warn you, it is extremely refreshing and extremely moreish!