Sorry for not downloading piccies.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hi! All, out there in Paradise, I must first appologise for not getting my promised piccies on here but I had a problem with the tecnics. I will try again this evening. I have just popped in while having a break from building my WEBSITE, yes! me doing it myself. I am quite pleased so far, but must admit I think I am now approaching the hard bit with links, so it could be a little longer, before I get it up and running. I hope it is done by Xmas, LOL,  as I have a special page for the season. One of the piccies was taken from the Euro Bikers B.B.Q. last saturday, the event was a success and the weather good. Although we were under cover the temperature was an important factor as, many were still there quite late  . Hiccup!!!
The food was expertly cooked with many helping hands and would like to thank all who worked hard. I have to say Hi! to a good friend of mine, who I know drops in here for a quick read ". Hi! Ann and I must say thank you for letting me read your book of Poetry. It aroused many feelings, one time a laugh and a giggle then sorrow. This little book is a
very precious item to you, I know this because it truly is "Poetry from Your Heart." I look forward to reading more of your work and when my site is up and going I am going to promote this and hopefully some new poems I have asked you to write. Good Luck with this project. Chat soon. Well with that done, I would like to tell people of hopefully a trip with Bikers for a charity. Last year this was a great success and I hope we will be able to do this again. At the moment the gentleman who runs this has had to reaturn to his home for a visit, so I will chat to him on his return. The Charity is for children with cancer and last year we managed to collect in one day over 1000 Euros. So many people donated lots of things especially bikers ware from many companies here. We also managed to get may things for ladies and some fun stuff. So! dear friends I hope I can , maybe ask on here when I know of something more official concerning this event. While riding around on this special day you will see many bikers dressed as Santa Claus, carrying bags of goodies for the children in the towns and villages. All the Locals were very supportive and the Euros poured in. It is so good to do this for these children. The money was put towards giving them some special trips out , which I know they loved. Thank you to all those people involved. I am off now, to do more work on my website. Maybe I can let you all know what it is when it is finished. Bye for now, and enjoy. Adios.
Published at 4:54 PM Comments (0)
Sorry for not downloading piccies.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hi! All, out there in Paradise, I must first appologise for not getting my promised piccies on here but I had a problem with the tecnics. I will try again this evening. I have just popped in while having a break from building my WEBSITE, yes! me doing it myself. I am quite pleased so far, but must admit I think I am now approaching the hard bit with links, so it could be a little longer, before I get it up and running. I hope it is done by Xmas, LOL,  as I have a special page for the season. One of the piccies was taken from the Euro Bikers B.B.Q. last saturday, the event was a success and the weather good. Although we were under cover the temperature was an important factor as, many were still there quite late  . Hiccup!!!
The food was expertly cooked with many helping hands and would like to thank all who worked hard. I have to say Hi! to a good friend of mine, who I know drops in here for a quick read ". Hi! Ann and I must say thank you for letting me read your book of Poetry. It aroused many feelings, one time a laugh and a giggle then sorrow. This little book is a
very precious item to you, I know this because it truly is "Poetry from Your Heart." I look forward to reading more of your work and when my site is up and going I am going to promote this and hopefully some new poems I have asked you to write. Good Luck with this project. Chat soon. Well with that done, I would like to tell people of hopefully a trip with Bikers for a charity. Last year this was a great success and I hope we will be able to do this again. At the moment the gentleman who runs this has had to reaturn to his home for a visit, so I will chat to him on his return. The Charity is for children with cancer and last year we managed to collect in one day over 1000 Euros. So many people donated lots of things especially bikers ware from many companies here. We also managed to get may things for ladies and some fun stuff. So! dear friends I hope I can , maybe ask on here when I know of something more official concerning this event. While riding around on this special day you will see many bikers dressed as Santa Claus, carrying bags of goodies for the children in the towns and villages. All the Locals were very supportive and the Euros poured in. It is so good to do this for these children. The money was put towards giving them some special trips out , which I know they loved. Thank you to all those people involved. I am off now, to do more work on my website. Maybe I can let you all know what it is when it is finished. Bye for now, and enjoy. Adios.
Published at 4:54 PM Comments (0)
To Pamela
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hi! Pamela, Thank you for reading my blog, it is not very good but it is early days. I have also very little time at the moment, but I must download some piccies of our Biker trip.
Now! talking about computers, I have just got BLUEVODA Website Builder, so I am going to try this out. I must say they say it is easy but the tutorials leave a lot to be desired,either that or I am totally dumb.
I see that you have a solutions website, that sounds very interesting. I am starting my own Affiliate business and I hope to do more writing of Reports and then hopefully a small book. I would love to hear of what your work consists of. The computer has opened up a new World for me and I chat to quite a few people, when time allows. It is fantastic to chat to family. I live in Spain and all my family are in the UK.
I really hope to help others earn some kind of living as here I know a lot of people who have no work and are struggling. I know that Marketing on the Internet is a good and wise choice to work from home. I have many lesson reports on the how to do and not to do. I have spent many months researching, writing and printing off. My library is bulging, there must be atleast 2 trees in there. LOL. Anyway, enough from me and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards Jenny.
Published at 8:56 PM Comments (0)
Bikers Trip.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Hi! All ,
I had a super day yesterday, quite unplanned and it turned out fantastic. In the morning I did say to my partner that this would be a DND day. ( Do Nothing Day) and I would do some writing and answer some e-mails and look into my business and see how it was going, and that would be it for the day. The weather was super and quite hot in my office , which is the terrace room. We are so lucky to be able to work from home and when we please. Coffee on tap watch the garden grow and the birds love my new waterfall for them.
Anyway, I do not how it came about but we decided to go for a ride. My lovely man has a Suzuki Intruder, smashing Bike. Leathers on , helmet on and off we went. What a day. just perfect for riding. In the heat of summer I find this impossible, I cannot go with no protection on. So we just wandered through Montesinos and kept going.Up to Torremendo, Rebate then down to San Miguel de Salinas then through to Villa Martin down to the coast and stopped for a quick snack then on the coast road back to Quesada. On route I had taken quite a few piccies, but I have not been ablt to download them here tonight I have to use my laptop, which I will do tomorrow. The scenery was spectacular and I use these piccies as reference for when I do my oil paitings. Good Old Lidl's have a super offer on oil painting supplies today so I have purchased enough for the whole year. If you paint dash along there.
My lovely man rides in a bikers club called The Euro Bikers, so if anyone is in the vacinity of Torrevieja and wishes to ride on a saturday they are more than welcome. If you need any more info on the bikers drop me an email We have German, Norwegian, Austrian, English, Quite a mixture so come along and join us. Chat tomorrow and hopefully I will have some piccies. Back to work now and I need to sell more of my books. Byeee. J.J.B.
Published at 10:25 PM Comments (0)
I am so popular Mmmm!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hi! is it me or are the days getting shorter, no!, I do not mean in sunlight but in hours.
I have not stopped today and my do list is still as long. I am now on the computer in e-mails
, I did not realise I was so popular. 
Serves me right for ticking too many boxes in these freebies I am getting, they help me with my writing.
Some of the ideas are fantastic but I cannot take them all on board.
My files are full so I am using sticks to put them on, need to dash to the shop and get more of these.
Memory sticks are great, they keep you really organised.
I have a friend in America, and she is 83 going on 16, I think. Some of the stuff she sends me I send on to family and friends. It does give them a laugh, but, other files I would not dare to. I would be banned by my family.
The World is a small place when you have a P.C. and I am learning more each day. Hence the fact that I now have my own space here and also in the business World.
The Guru's of the internet even call me by my first name, how is that for an oldie.
I wonder if there are any others out there interested in working on computers, we could exchange some ideas, I would also like pen friends. I have many interests, these keep me very busy. Hope you all have a super day and enjoy the weekend ven though the weather here is awful, one can have too much sun. Atleast it is cooler at night. Take care.
Adios. Jenny. 
Published at 4:55 PM Comments (1)
Response to Jacqui
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hope the name is correctly spelt. Thank you for reading my first ever blog. Your blog is fantastic. I have a lot of work to do, I can see this. You have not been here long and you sound as if you have certainly dropped into the way of life, ENJOY  .
I have also lived in Mallorca, many years ago. Now that is a beautiful place and the people are so friendly. There is a softness in their nature.
I chose Spain for personal reasons and do not regret it one bit. My life style before was like yours, so busy but now time is mine to do as I please. when and where and with whom I please. I now have a super partner in my life who has a motorbike and we travel to many places. May shoot up your way some time. LOL I know your area and it is super. I look forward to reading more of your blog, it really is super. Adios for now. Jenny.
Published at 5:09 PM Comments (0)
Response to Mandy, Living in Spain
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hi! Mandy and thank you both for reading my blog.
I would like to give you some info on coming to Spain to live and work.
First, please make sure you have secure work ,if this is an earning you have to depend upon, unless ofcourse you have won the Lottery 
The streets are no longer paved with gold and the living here is not as cheap as some are led to believe.
Where you live depends on you, Spain is a beautiful country, I do tour it quite a lot with my partner.
I personally and I know others who live here, say, " do not live too close to the tourist areas", e.g. beaches, hotels etc:- but if you need to work maybe you have no choice.
Before coming here I always recommend that you rent before you buy for atleast 6 months. This gives you a chance to look around and get a feel for the place you wish to live in,(take your time and think carefully). Do not burn all your bridges back home, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Working, well that depends on what you wish to do. If it is touristic, property or going out on a limb for, example become a builder, painter or plumber, well be careful. If in education and have Spanish language then there are openings, you need to surf the internet. Like anything today you need to take one step at a time.
Do you have children? if so, you need to consider schooling there is plenty of info on the net. Next would be Health Care there is a system here but you need to be in work and pay into it, but, if you are a Pensioner like me, no problems. If you have job offers then be sure you get a real contract. That is just for starters, if you wish to ask anything else I will endeavour to answer it. If I cannot I will try to find out for you. Just a thought, if buying property I advise you to never buy off plan. I think it is a good idea to first buy a small apartment or a Finca that you could do some work on. Paperwork on property is so important. Lots of people leave their brains behind when they come to Spain. You do need a Lawyer (Abagado) and you must search all. I will leave you with your thoughts, I hope I have not put you off, but I am honest to a "T". I will say this, living here is so much better than UK. I would not want to change it. There are more Yes's than No's, just be careful. Jenny.
Published at 4:47 PM Comments (0)
New Gal On The Block
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hi! my name is Jenny and I am new to this so please have a little patience with me. I am not sure where to start really, I have so many things that I enjoy chatting about and I have many interests also. At the moment I am working for myself, so this keeps me busy and so many hobbies.  I now wonder how I use to run a home, business and have 3 children. There are not enough hours in the day. I have lived in Spain for 6 years now, and I love it. This is my style of living, simplicity, by this I mean no more Dinner and Dances ( long frocks) Ugh! charging around and no time to stop for the small things in life. I wonder if there are more like me here.
I am having a go at writing and I have also started to paint in oils, infact I have sold 3 picture and given 2 away to friends . I am having a rest from this now as my business is taking up more of my time at the moment. I do not mind this as this is really rewarding. It supplements my Pension, so this is great, it keeps the grey cells multiplying also. LOL 
This is just a quick starter blog and I hope it will improve with time. Thank you for reading this, and have a Happy Day. J.
Published at 10:51 PM Comments (3)
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