Sorry for not downloading piccies.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @ 4:54 PM
Hi! All, out there in Paradise, I must first appologise for not getting my promised piccies on here but I had a problem with the tecnics. I will try again this evening. I have just popped in while having a break from building my WEBSITE, yes! me doing it myself. I am quite pleased so far, but must admit I think I am now approaching the hard bit with links, so it could be a little longer, before I get it up and running. I hope it is done by Xmas, LOL,

as I have a special page for the season. One of the piccies was taken from the Euro Bikers B.B.Q. last saturday, the event was a success and the weather good. Although we were under cover the temperature was an important factor as, many were still there quite late

. Hiccup!!!
The food was expertly cooked with many helping hands and would like to thank all who worked hard. I have to say Hi! to a good friend of mine, who I know drops in here for a quick read ". Hi! Ann and I must say thank you for letting me read your book of Poetry. It aroused many feelings, one time a laugh and a giggle then sorrow. This little book is a
very precious item to you, I know this because it truly is "Poetry from Your Heart." I look forward to reading more of your work and when my site is up and going I am going to promote this and hopefully some new poems I have asked you to write. Good Luck with this project. Chat soon. Well with that done, I would like to tell people of hopefully a trip with Bikers for a charity. Last year this was a great success and I hope we will be able to do this again. At the moment the gentleman who runs this has had to reaturn to his home for a visit, so I will chat to him on his return. The Charity is for children with cancer and last year we managed to collect in one day over 1000 Euros. So many people donated lots of things especially bikers ware from many companies here. We also managed to get may things for ladies and some fun stuff. So! dear friends I hope I can , maybe ask on here when I know of something more official concerning this event. While riding around on this special day you will see many bikers dressed as Santa Claus, carrying bags of goodies for the children in the towns and villages. All the Locals were very supportive and the Euros poured in. It is so good to do this for these children. The money was put towards giving them some special trips out , which I know they loved. Thank you to all those people involved. I am off now, to do more work on my website. Maybe I can let you all know what it is when it is finished. Bye for now, and enjoy. Adios.